Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paige in the city.

 I thought it would be kinda fun to see my process mapped out. 

I start by blocking in my subject, and today I got to use my cousin's gorgeous daughter Paige.  Usually when I block something in it's kinda fast and a little sloppy especially on the iPad.  This should give you a good idea as of what will go where.  I try and think about shape as much as possible here and in all the steps.  I went a little too fast and ended up putting Paige's eyes up too high.    Unfortunately I caught that mistake at the end of the drawing process. Fixed  it but it should have been caught at the beginning its not real fun to fix the position of something after you spent all the time rendering it. 

When I start painting I just lay the color in with thick brush strokes and I'm focused on the back color  
(I don't think that a actual term) as well as the shape.   I like to think from back to front when looking at the color, because I feel it best describes the form.  This is a fast process for me and one of my favorites.

The transition between laying in the color and rendering can be the most awkward for me especially at the beginning. It just doesn't look that great.  At this time you should slow way down start looking at details and form as well as shape.  This is often the moment I think... I'm I really still doing this?  If you get past that feeling of self doubt you can usually pull it off. 

Thank you to Jodi for letting me use your photo and Paige for being so darn cute!
I think my favorite part of the drawing were those cool moccasins. 

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