Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer School!

I have always taken an unconventional path for my education.   Fortunately for me my parents were encouraging and supportive.  My senior year of high school I was able to intern for a local Art School.  I spent most of my time in that studio painting and teaching small children to paint.  After high school I went to a few different art school.
It's been three years since I have been in a educational studio.  And I felt it was time to go back.  I found an online school ran by Will Terry and Jake Parker,  "School of Visual Storytelling".   That's the class for me!  Devin had to hear me talk about the class for several weeks, until I was able to sign up (I love Devin!).  I'm now signed up and ready to take on the world!  Or at least my little world.
We received our first assignment, It's not due until the middle of next month but I couldn't stop thinking out it.  So here is the first draft.  I still have a little to fine tuning to do... well that is, till they  critique it then there might be several changes.

The assignment was to illustrate this:

“It was a bright sunny morning as Koki left for school but today he thought he would take a different path...what he didn’t realize...”


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