Once in a while I like to take existing characters and render them in my own style. Using the same design as Disney's Prince John I creating this drawing.
I followed the original drawing as best I could. But there was one important element Disney left out. HIS EAR! I noticed something was wrong by it was Disney's design that I was using as a reference, they had to be right. It wasn't until I got help from a friend of mine that corrected disney's mistake. Below is my fist draft and Mallory's critique.

Hey Brooke, I have one problem with this image that is not your fault, lol. Actually, you can blame it all on Disney! I believe that Disney made the mistake (it feels blasphemous to say that, but I it's true! haha). Something about this image was bothering me a little so I went and looked up images of King Richard. Disney animators drew him with some inconsistencies. I think that they could get away with it because each drawing of him lasted less than a second onscreen, but in an illustration I think those same inconsistencies become more obvious (because we look at the same image for a much longer time). I found the image that I think you were referencing and I also found another image of his head with no crown. I drew over them so you could see what I mean...The head seems a little cut off to me. Specifically his right ear (our left). For that ear to be exactly hiding behind the crown seems very odd to me. I think the ear would show above or below the crown lip (and in most images of him, his ears are below the crown). I noticed on the image (the one I think you used as reference) that his ears don't show at all, just like your image. So, it really isn't your fault, because it looks a lot like the reference, and the reference does it as well! It's similar to what Will told us in one of the classes about the image of his dog. In the photo she looked like she only had 3 legs, but we know she has four. It works for a photo, but that wouldn't be a good illustration. You would need to change it a little to make it work. Like I said before, each drawing in an animated movie was onscreen for such a short period of time that those little things didn't matter as much (and I looked it up, Robin Hood came out a little bit before VCRs were popular in homes...so they didn't worry about someone pausing one image in the movie. And there was no internet for people to share that image on either, lol. So times have changed a lot). Pretty much, I think you should add an ear. I probably could have just said that and skipped the rest, haha. So, that is my super long winded advice. I have to say, your coloring is really wonderful and I think that as a whole, I really enjoy your work a lot!
You should definitely take the time to check out
Mallory Carlson she is A mazing!
Thanks again Mallory!